About Us
Growing wheat and raising cattle have been a part of our family heritage for six generations here in Western Oklahoma.
Our family patriarch, Carl Payne, moved with his bride, Maurene (Miller), into the South Canadian River Valley during the winter of 1931, where our current farm headquarters is still located.
Today, Payne Farms specialize in producing hard red winter wheat, tending a commercial cow herd and grazing stocker calves. Currently, Rex and Rick Payne are employed as full-time farmers, along with their spouses, Betty and Jennifer Payne and Aunt Keren provide much support. Seasonally, Mike, Candy and Mikey Taylor, Rich Palmer, Maxton Slagell, Mike Sigg and Kendrick Wingard, along with other family members and friends work with us as well.
Much of what we do daily on the farm is steeped in the traditions of years past and brightened by a hopeful future of continued demand and need for our products and services, namely food to help feed the world.

Our farming philosophy is based on honesty, integrity and hard work to produce a product and way of life worthy of our history. Our faith alone is in Jesus Christ to sustain us and make this all possible.

If you would like to inquire about employment with us or to schedule an interview, please E-mail [email protected] for more information.