
  • Payne Farms

    Custom Beef Feeding and Sales

  • Payne Farms

    Custom Farming

  • Payne Farms

    Dry Fertilizer Application

  • Payne Farms

    Agricultural Liming

Custom Beef Feeding and Sales | Custom Farming | Dry Fertilizer Application | Agricultural Liming

1. We sell custom fed beef 2 times per year in January and July. We sell by the whole beef, ½ beef, and quarter beef.

  • Example for June 2018 pricing: It’s time to order your beef again for June delivery. We have some fed heifers or steers we would like to sell. They will be finished in June/July. Will sell full, half or quarter beef. We saved these cattle because they were great quality. They are Black Angus with 1/8 Simmental. Cattle will weigh about 1,000 pounds each. Cost $1.40 per pound live weight. Your butcher cost will be about $350 for a whole beef. You will get about 425 pounds of meat in your freezer for a whole beef. That means your beef total cost is about $4.35 per pound average for all the cuts and the butchering cost. Plus you get to pick how you want your cuts and packaging. For example, a whole beef will cost around $1,800. The beef will be delivered for you to Fort Cobb Locker and you will be able to pick up your frozen packages. Call, text, or email if interested.

2. Variable Rate Dry Fertilizer and Ag-Liming Offerings

  • Precision Application
  • Extended season of application is available

3. Custom Farming Offerings

  • Bermuda Grass Sprigging and Digging
  • Cultivating
  • Deep Ripping
  • Drilling (conventional, min-til and no-til)
  • Harrowing
  • Moldboard Plowing
  • Stubble Mulching
  • Sweep Plowing